

“The best attorney you can find for dental malpractice.”“Dane explained everything in detail that was happening with the case, had specific tests done, kept excellent paperwork and records. Don’t know what I would have done without him in this very difficult case.”


“I had an extraction for a bridge and found out the oral surgeon extracted the wrong tooth and because of it I could not get a bridge but now needed two implants. Mr. Levy helped through this most difficult time and made sure I was treated fairly and all costs due to this mishap were covered, including the costs associated with the implants. I was very fortunate to find Mr. Levy to represent me in this matter.”


“I actually found Mr. Dane Levy’s website while searching on Google.com about dental malpractice in 2009. Although I didn’t know if I would have a claim or not, I decided to contact him via email. I got a response from him within an hour. I told him my condition, which I explained happened after having had my wisdom teeth removed. He asked that I meet with him in person to go over all of the details. He was not only compassionate to my plight, but was knowledgeable about my condition. Finally I had a name with what was wrong with me, Lingual Nerve Damage. I found he had a great knowledge in Dental Medicine, but was friendly and personable, which is very important to me. He told me right off the bat that if I wanted to work with him, then he works for me, and I could reach out to him at any time, for any little question. I did have many little questions over the next year and a half. Never did I feel like any of my questions were dumb or silly, and he helped me prepare for the long road ahead. I never had a problem reaching him either, whether he answered my call or email directly, or I reached his assistant, my questions were always answered in a very timely manner. It’s been a pleasure working with him, I highly recommend giving him a call if you need help in his field. I myself will be recommending him to any I meet who might need his services.”


“During one the most traumatic times of my life I needed an attorney—a GREAT attorney.

I went to a Dentist and let’s just say it didn’t go so well.

I needed an attorney that was trustworthy, confident, and professional.

I was fortunate enough to come across Attorney Dane Levy. I was very scared and upset about what I had gone through especially not knowing what to do.

After doing my research to find an attorney, I called the Levy Law firm and met with Attorney Levy and his assistant Christina I knew immediately this law firm was the one for me.

Through the entire process Attorney Levy explained every step of every detail and I always felt welcome to call and ask any questions that I had. Attorney Levy is very knowledgeable, humble and professional.

When he’s in court or arbitration he’s the heavy weight champion that you know will win in the right corner!

I could only pray that I don’t EVER go through another situation like that but if I do (let’s hope I don’t) I know who to call and you should to…… The Levy Law Firm.”






“I just wanted to thank you for all of your help throughout the very odd ordeal. At least my experience with you gives me some hope and faith in humanity. Not everyone is bad out there and maybe your “good luck” is starting to rub onto me as well. Thank you again Dane.You’re an honest man built on integrity. Something that most people lack in this world.”


“Dane Levy is the best and most professional attorney working in dental malpractice.”“Dane Levy represented me in a dental malpractice case when no attorney in my state was willing to help me. He is extremely knowledgeable and cares. He was always available to me to answer my questions and kept me informed. He is not the typical attorney. I could not have found a more qualified more caring person to represent me. He is extremely well connected and respected. I was privileged to have Mr. Levy represent me.”


“Dane Levy was not only professional and thorough, but truly cares about his clients’ well-being.”“Attorney Dane Levy helped me through a very difficult time in my life when I needed legal assistance and someone I could trust. I learned many things through the process. Dane is patient, determined and always kept my best interest in mind. He made sure that I was seen by experienced professionals and helped me every step of the way. I truly appreciate the time and effort he put forth during the years he worked on my case.”

TESTIMONIAL #6 : C.O. , ON JANUARY 16, 2010.

“Finding an honest attorney can be a challenging task. Especially after putting your trust into a doctor whom has caused you harm.”“After much research online I found the best type of attorney to represent a dental malpractice case should not only have a law degree but also a dental education as well. They have much more knowledge as to the harm that’s been caused and have a better know-how to
accurately argue your case. Dane was actually the only dental
malpractice attorney I found with a law degree and who had also attended dental school.This was the main reason why I chose Dane Levy. But, not only was his educational background impressive, his actual experience gave me complete faith in him. He’s been involved in huge cases.My whole experience with Dane was very positive. He’s an honest attorney and he was completely upfront with me from the very beginning. Any questions or concerns I had he always took the time to explain. He also has a special quality that I find many attorneys lack and that’s integrity.My case was a very unusual one. He was always realistic as to the possible outcomes and never gave me false promises.My experience with Dane was positive throughout the whole process. And with that being said, I would highly recommend Dane to anyone who’s been injured by a dentist or orthodontist and is seeking legal help. Trust is a hard thing to find these days and I honestly found I could trust him. Especially after all I’ve been put through, and that’s saying something.”

TESTIMONIAL #5 : E.M. , ON MARCH 31, 2010.

“I would recommend Dane Levy.”
“My case involved a bad implant procedure. I found Dane to be extremely knowledgeable of this dental procedure. Without any research, he understood the physiology of the situation. He also was well connected with experts and was able to build a strong case. As frustrating as lawsuits can be, I never felt that he was not being responsive and representing me well. I had full confidence in his handling of the case and was satisfied with the outcome.”


“Great Honest Attorney!”
“My lingual nerve was severed during a wisdom tooth extraction. The dentist who severed it did not seem to take it seriously and did not refer me to an oral surgeon. I needed help and decided to search for an attorney who could refer me to a good oral surgeon. I found Dane’s website and gave him a call. I spoke with his legal assistant who was very nice and Dane called me back within ten minutes. He got me in touch with a great oral surgeon that did an amazing surgery to reconnect my severed nerve. Although my tongue will never be 100% back to normal, it is better than it was before the surgery. Dane filed a lawsuit on my behalf and was realistic about the possible outcome. He did not overpromise or exaggerate. He was very honest and expected me to be very honest also. In fact, I don’t think Dane would take a client who was being dishonest. I believe this gives him respect in the industry and allows him to settle cases quickly. My case settled less than five months after the lawsuit was filed. Dane gave me his cell phone number and kept me posted on everything that was going on with the case. He was very professional and very knowledgeable about the law and the dental profession.”

TESTIMONIAL #3 : L.K. ,ON MAY 13, 2010.

“A Professional Attorney Who Knows Dentistry Inside and Out”
“A nerve in my jaw was injured during dental implant treatment. I found Dane through a Google search. Dane was listed as the highest in the dental malpractice area. He is honest and professional. His dental education explains why he knows so much detail of about my pain and suffering. At times, I felt that I was counseling with a doctor when consulting with Dane on how to cope with the situation. I think he is the best attorney to handle dental malpractice cases.”


“I would recommend him to anyone!“I have never had a dental problem in my life. I had a wisdom tooth removed last year and I was concerned about the numbness in my tongue that would not go away after the extraction. My dentist kept telling me it was “normal!” I believed her for about a week and then I started getting concerned. Good thing I found Attorney Dane Levy on the internet and had a consultation with him. My dentist completely severed my nerve and I have permanent numbness and lack of taste as a result! Good thing I didn’t just put up with this because the dentist said it was “normal!”

Dane is an outstanding attorney and he is extremely knowledgeable! Even though I have to live with this numbness, I was compensated thanks to Dane. He is very dedicated to his work and he was always in contact with me regarding my case via telephone and e-mail!”

TESTIMONIAL #1 : G.H., AUGUST 27, 2010.

“I want to thank attorney Dane Levy for representing me in my case. My former dentist was less than truthful with me and as a result I will probably experience pain and discomfort the rest of my life, as a result of a bad tooth implant.Dane represented me in my dental malpractice case and I was extremely happy with his work. He is extremely knowledgeable in the field of dental malpractice. He is trustworthy and kept me informed every step of the way. Dane established with me a sense of trust and I had peace of mind that he would appropriately represent me.”

I rate Dane as ONE GREAT LAWYER!!!